Friends of Monarchs

(Click the 3 bars or home button for more!)


Stop by our booth Sept 5-10, noon to 10pm 

Utah Friends of Monarchs will have a booth along with Wasatch Bees and other conservation organizations in AG Building 9 at this year's Fair!  Come by and check out the fun info we'll have displayed, and hopefully live eggs, caterpillars and monarchs.  Also pick up free bookmarks that have instructions and suggested plants for creating your own "Monarch Waystation"! Proud partners of the Utah Pollinator Habitat Program!

The fall 2024 Order Form will go live in October, just in time for the perfect time to plant:  NOVEMBER! If you would like an email reminder to place an order at that time, please email with "SEEDS REMINDER" in your subject line.  


Did you get a seed packet with a QR code?
Click the Home button and look for Seed Prep for tips to ensure your seeds thrive.

NOTE: The easiest way to get milkweed started in your yard is to sow seeds outside in late fall - either directly in the garden, or in pots. 

2024 Offerings

6th Annual Photo Contest in 2024!

Utah Friends of Monarchs offers the annual photo contest through our Facebook Group. The first person PER COUNTY to submit a photo of a monarch (butterfly, caterpillar, or egg* wins $50 cash, if they follow the official rules of posting to two other sites. * Egg photos subject to approval by RT.

DATA IS CRITICAL! We need monarch data throughout Utah, and this contest is a fun way to collect where we have healthy breeding habitats, and hence, monarchs! 

In 2023, all 29 counties in Utah had winners for the first time!!  


Southwest Monarch Study

Our Tagging Source

Monarch Watch 

Home of the national "Monarch Waystation" Program

Monarch Joint Venture

Excellent resources and webinars

Xerces Society

Utah Pollinator Habitat Program

Western Monarch Advocates

Our Mission

To engage and educate Utahns in conservation of the monarch butterfly. We do this by providing expertise and training, native milkweed seeds and/or seedlings, and leveraging partnerships with other organizations (public and private) to advance the cause of the monarch butterfly and the other pollinators who will benefit from this work.

Utah FOM Official 501c3 status August 31, 2021
Federal ID 87-2412373  

Rachel Taylor, Utah Friends of Monarchs, Founder
Monarch Conservation Specialist, Monarch Watch
Board Treasurer,  Western Monarch Advocates