Habitat Design Ideas

Designs depend on the type of space you have available

Urban yard - planned or feral

Rachel's side yard was dead space before converting

Riparian & Natural

Natural riparian monarch habitat in Fairmont Park

This study shares tips on monarch preferences.

Per a 2020 study by Daniel Potter, PhD and Daniel Baker, PhD - both Professors of Entomology, monarchs preferred laying eggs on milkweed that was planted at the perimeter of the garden (the first option in the photo), and had a harder time finding milkweed that is mixed in a more "feral" type planting.  Other preferences they noted:

Monarch Waystation for Northern Utah

We are grateful for this design created by Liz Haigh using drought tolerant pollinator plants.

Sample design ideas courtesy Google!

For a never ending variety of monarch waystation designs, simple Google "monarch waystations", and view images only!